Blue Light
Blue light is everywhere from sunlight to digital display screens. Our natural eyes are not very good at blocking it.
Blue light contributes to digital eye strain which is increasing as is nearsightedness, visual condition referred to as myopia. Some eye care professionals have called this myopia progression an epidemic. High prescriptions of myopia can lead to future retinal concerns.
However, some exposure to blue light is essential for good health. It helps regulate biorhythms of sleep cycles and states of alertness. Blue light is what makes our sky blue.
Blue light, however, may increase the risk of developing macular degeneration (AMD) and contribute to permanent vision loss. Presently, the treatments for AMD only slow the progression of the disease, as yet there is no cure for AMD. There has been some stem cell research that might become a promising treatment for patients, see the London Project, UK. Sunlight exposure as well as blue light can also increase the possibility of cataract development. Another concern is for people who have had cataract surgery, protection from blue light is especially important.
UV light affects the front of the eye and forms cataracts, blue light causes damage to the back of the eye and increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Digital devices and modern lighting such as led lights and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) emit a high level of blue light. CFLs contain about 25% of harmful blue light and LEDs contain about 35% of harmful blue light. By 2020, 90% of all our light sources are estimated to be led lighting. Our exposure to blue light is everywhere and only increasing.
Parents of school-age children and the young child as well, need to be vigilant as to the amount of time spent on digital devices as well as a protective tint on glasses whether it is with a prescription or a plano lens (no Rx) to wear while using digital devices. Small children are especially vulnerable to hunching over the device and holding the phone or i-pad too close. This allows more blue light into their larger pupils. This may put them at a higher risk of developing sleep disorders, behavioral problems, obesity, and vision problems. There are several tints on the market that offer good protection for their eyes.
Dr. Greco now has the iFusion Retinal Camera & the OCT Equipment that gives both Diagnostic information as well as the early detection of any concerns that need to be followed. Patients are encouraged to have this Retinal Picture taken which gives Diagnostic information about the Retina, the Optic Nerve as well as insights into your general health. If you are Diabetic or have High Blood pressure as well as any acute systemic conditions, you should have this picture done at your routine annual exam. This becomes part of your Electronic Health Record (EHR) and can be compared with follow-up pictures for early diagnosis of conditions that usually leads to better outcomes because treatment is initiated earlier or the condition is found and watched at subsequent appointments. All patients are encouraged to have this baseline picture done.
If you are suffering from dry crusty eyelids known as Blepharitis or have been told you have dry eye, you may benefit from a product called Pure & Clean. There are two spray bottles, a Hand Prep Liquid Spray, non-irritating moisturizes and a lid Prep Liquid Spray, non-irritating. Come in and let Dr. Greco see if you would benefit from this new to the market product. Dr. Greco has the Pure & Clean product in stock & they are sold from the Office.
Most healthy individuals who eat a well-balanced diet do not need to take supplemental vitamins, although there are some situations in which supplements have been shown to be beneficial. In general, vitamins may be useful in the following situations: advanced age, age-related macular degeneration (AMD.) If there is a family history of Macular Disease or if you have been told you are developing Macular Problems, come in and discuss the MacuHealth Product that Dr. Greco is now recommending, three month supply, one capsule a day, $48.00.
To learn more about blue light Schedule an eye exam at James L. Greco Jr., OD now.
Information for this inclusion came from Gary Heiting O.D.,jan.2016
Review of optometry Mark Dunbar, O.D. and Ronald Melton, Feb., 2014
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